Docker Technology
Building a Design-led Culture to Manage Rapid Growth
Docker redefined the way that applications are developed with a tool that makes it easier to create, deploy and run applications using Linux containers. While their technical innovation drove large-scale engagement, they wanted a partner to help them evolve their organization, processes and product portfolio to manage the challenges of rapid growth.
We allied with a design hero within Docker very early in their evolution to establish design as integral to their success. Together we created an organizational structure and end-to-end processes embedded with design that empowered the consistency of product offerings and reliable user experience throughout future growth. One of many insight-driven collaborations, Docker Hub, is now the largest resource library for application development in the world.

Through workshops we reshaped how the product teams at Docker perceived and valued design in their end-to-end processes.

We integrated ourselves within Docker over many months to fully embed design as part of the internal culture.

A powerful partnership
From the existing team structure we identified opportunities where design needed to be brought in to specific product teams. This new organization ensured design became integral to product development and Docker’s future success.

From March 2014, just a year after Docker’s initial release, we collaborated on numerous successful projects. Docker Hub created a huge surge of engagement and became the world’s largest resource library for application development.

Thanks to DesignMap’s efforts in researching our user base to help create a rich developer experience, our initial launch of DockerHub was incredibly successful, well-received, and understood by the audience and the press. And in the first day account registrations jumped literally 5000%.
Scott Johnston, COO, Docker Inc.